American DJ 8 Channel Dimming console- preowned, Very good condition
model DP-8A Manufacturer discontinued
(new pics coming soon)
- Dimmer control with 8 separate dimming channels
- 8 pre-programmed chases and 8 dimming chases
- Full dimming functions
- Programmed chasing control
- Sound to light chase
- Master dimming slider plus dimming sliders and flash buttons for each channel
- Audio chase can be operated by the internal microphone or by giving the unit a line input
- Two times (X2) speed of chase button
- Program control changer; operator can choose manually between programs 0 - 9; 0 = manual, 1 - 8 = program individually, 9 = all programs
- Ideal controller for bands, nightclubs, mobile DJs, and stage productions
- Dimensions: 9.5" x 7" x 3"
- Weight: 3lbs., Output signal 0-10V DC
- Signal Input: 18-24Vdc 1A
- Output Connector: 8 Pin Din